HTML - статьи



The DIR element defines an unordered list consisting of a number of

single-line <LI> elements.

Minimum Attributes


All Possible Attributes






Elements Allowed Within...


but not any member of group

Allowed In Content Of...

Any element that permits members of group


This list type is not commonly implemented, and

is often rendered identically to UL.

RFC 1866 specifies that the content of the LI element of the

DIR list is usually less than 20 characters in length.

These may be arranged in columns across the page,

each column typically as 24 characters wide.

Specifying <UL PLAIN WRAP=HORIZ> is proposed

in Version 3 as a replacement for the DIR element.

The exclusion in RFC 1866 of group block within DIR implies

(among other things) that DIR can contain no nested lists,

nor any paragraphs even though the LI element normally would allow this.

Some browsers do not enforce this exclusion.

The LANG and DIR attributes are introduced with the

internationalization proposal.

The internationalization proposal also includes


All list elements are Level 0.

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