The FRAMESET element is used instead of the BODY element.
It is used in an HTML document whose sole purpose is to define the
layout of the sub-HTML documents, or Frames, that will make up the page.
The ROWS and COLS values are comma-separated lists describing the
row-heights and column-widths of the Frames.
Minimum Attributes
<FRAMESET>characters... </FRAMESET>
All Possible Attributes
Elements Allowed Within...
Allowed In Content Of...
The FRAMESET element is a Netscape 2.0 enhancement. Netscape 2.0
restricts the ROWS and COLS values to integers with an optional suffix
to define the units. Default units are pixels. A percentsign suffix
indicates the value is a percentage between 1 and 100.
A suffix of an asterisk may be used
to specify a number to be used as a multiplier of a "standard" width/height.
This is used to specify the widths/heights of Frames proportionately relative
to each other.
If a number does not accompany the asterisk it defaults to one.