HTML - статьи



The SUB element changes the physical rendering of the

contents of the element to a subscripted position.

Minimum Attributes



All Possible Attributes







Elements Allowed Within...

parsed character data

Allowed In Content Of...

Any element that permits members of group


The SUB element was in an early Version 2 proposal and is part

of the internationalization proposal, but is not in RFC 1866.

No font size change was implied in Version 2 nor is any specified

as part of the internationalization proposal since it may not

make sense in non-English languages.

The internationalization proposal explicitly restricts the content

to parsed character data to prevent nesting of SUB and SUP.

This element is a Netscape 2.0 extension which renders the text

in a slightly smaller font.

All character definition elements are Level 2.

Содержание раздела