HTML - статьи



The TABLE element defines a series of rows of table cell elements.

The contents of the TABLE element

contains a sequence of elements which describe various parts of the table.

The order in the sequence is important and consists of:

at most one element,

possibly some or

possibly some elements,

at most one element,

at most one element,

and finally at least one element

or at least one element.

Minimum Attributes


All Possible Attributes




















Elements Allowed Within...

Allowed In Content Of...

Any element that permits members of group


The TABLE element is part of a comprehensive new proposed standard

tables structure. It is partially implemented in some browsers.

The proposal has undergone numerous changes.

Some broswers implemented features in early versions of the proposal

which did not survive in the final proposal.

Consistent with the nature of HTML, the proposal defines the logical contents

of cells and their row/column location, rather than a physical layout

which is left as a function of the browser.

Details of the appearence of the table,

along with the size of margins around cells, even perhaps ruling and shading,

might be controlled by associated style sheets, proposed in Version 3.

The current proposal expects text to flow around a table, if possible.

It suggests using the BR element with a CLEAR attribute after

the table element if the author wishes to avoid text flowing along side

the table. Although the CLEAR attribute is not currently a standardized

part of HTML, the tables proposal does not include text

to standardize the attribute's existence.

The ALIGN attribute specifies the table position relative to the window.

The WIDTH attribute specifies the entire table width, and defaults

to 100%.

The default units is pixels, but may be specified by a suffix on the number.

The standard defined units suffixes include:






em=em units,

px=screen pixels.

In addition the suffix of a percentsign may be used to specify the

percentage width of the space between the current left and right margins.

The COLS attribute specifies the total number of columns in the table and

aids the browser in determining the initial display and layout of the table.

The BORDER attribute controls frame width around the table and FRAME defines

which parts of the frame to include.

For BORDER, the default units is pixels,

but may be specified by one of the standard defined units suffixes.

BORDER=0 implies FRAME=none, and BORDER without a value implies FRAME=border.

The RULES attribute defines the presence or absence of rulings

between all rows and columns in this table.

The CELLSPACING attribute defines spacing between cells and CELLPADDING

defines spacing within cells.

The TABLE element has been partially implemented in Netscape 1.1 and

MS Internet Explorer 2.0.

The COL, COLGROUP, THEAD, and TFOOT elements are new and not yet implemented.

The FRAME and RULES attributes are new and not yet implemented.

The values justify|bleedleft|bleedright for the ALIGN attribute

are Netscape 1.1 extensions.

The attribute COLSPEC was from an earlier version of the proposal

and is replaced by the COL and COLGROUP elements.

The attribute DP is from an earlier version of the proposal and

was used with a value of decimal on the ALIGN attribute.

It has been replaced with the CHAR and CHAROFF attributes

used when ALIGN=char which are

defined for all table grouping elements except TABLE.

The attributes CLEAR, NOFLOW, UNITS, and NOWRAP are Netscape 1.1 extensions.

Netscape 1.1 defines WIDTH as having a value of either a number of pixels

or a number followed by a percentsign to define a desired width of the table

which may be overridden by the browser.

It defines percentsign to specify the percentage of the entire window,

instead of the current margins.

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