HTML - статьи



The TFOOT element encloses a series of table row definitions

and specifies the defaults for all the rows in this group.

Table rows are grouped inside the

content into at most one ,

at most one TFOOT,

and at least one sections, in that order.

Depending on the capabilities of the browser, this sectioning can be used to

repeat table head and foot rows when breaking tables across page

boundaries, or to provide fixed headers above and footers below

a scrollable body panel, or other similar rendering schemes.

Minimum Attributes


All Possible Attributes










Elements Allowed Within...

Allowed In Content Of...


The TFOOT element is a part of the latest table proposal.

This TFOOT element is new and not widely implemented.

The ending element is optional for this element and may be implied

when the TBODY element is encountered.

The table proposal states that a browser may display

ALIGN=justify the same as the default

ALIGN=left if it lacks support for text justification.

The CHAR and CHAROFF attributes are used when ALIGN=char.

CHAR specifies a single character to be used for alignment, and

defaults to the decimal point in the current language.

CHAROFF specifies the offset, in the DIR direction, to the first

occurrence of the CHAR character on each line. If a line doesn't

include the CHAR character, it is to end at the CHAROFF position.

The default value for CHAROFF is either 50% or whatever will cause

the CHAR characters in all cells with a declared CHAR in a column to align.

The default units is pixels, but may be specified by a suffix on the number.

The standard defined units suffixes include:






em=em units,

px=screen pixels.

In addition the suffix of a percentsign may be used to specify the

percentage offset within the cell.

The VALIGN attribute defines the vertical alignment of the cell contents.

The ALIGN, CHAR and CHAROFF attribute values may be inherited from

other table elements in the following order:

cells < columns < column groups < rows < row groups < default.

The VALIGN, LANG and DIR attribute values may be inherited from

other table elements in the following order:

cells < rows < row groups < columns < column groups < table < default.

Содержание раздела